India ZIP 02906, NAICS 722511, SIC 5812

The third digit represents the company’s subsector; the fourth digit represents the industry group; and the fifth digit shows the particular industry where a company operates. The classifications progressively narrow the category in which a business belongs. Despite some government agencies and private organizations adding extra levels to the SIC code, the additional levels are not considered part of the official classification. The SIC code is a four-digit classifying system that begins with the general characteristics of a business and then narrows down to the specifics.

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  2. Volza’s data of India Sic codes imports is 100% authentic as it is based on actual import export shipments and is collected globally from over 20,000 ports from over 70+ Countries.
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  4. The third and fourth digits describe the sub-classification of the business group and specialization, respectively.
  5. In the early 1960s, the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) took on the mission of developing a national industrial classification.

In practice, other variables, such as revenue, value of shipments, or employment, are used as proxies. The U.S. Census Bureau generally uses revenue or value of shipments to determine an establishment’s primary business activity. All companies are assigned a primary according to where they produce the most revenue, but secondary NAICS codes are other revenue producing activities a company operates in. The first two numbers of a SIC code identifies the business’s major sector group. Though the number of major groups fluctuates, there are typically less than 100 major groups.

Now only can you do a SIC code lookup by company name, a company code search, you can also query and entire subsector like services to see what the market is doing. Like any data point, there are more meaningful with other information, so many companies use both the SIC and NAICS codes as well as refining by other metadata. Although the meaning of SIC in business today is relegated to older public sector institutions and systems, they are still widely used. In 1987 all revision of the SIC code ended, and in 1997 the system was officially replaced by the six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). SIC codes are no longer supported but remain in use at many agencies and organizations in the US and outside. For example, the SIC system is also used by agencies in other countries such as the United Kingdom’s Companies House.

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It classifies businesses according to business similar business processes and was designed by a cohort of statistical agencies from Mexico, Canada and the US, representing a more international standard based on coherent economic principles. The longer code also provides for additional details, allowing better data collection and segmentation. The NAICS agreement fixes only the first five digits of the code, which will always be the same regardless of the user country. NAICS stands for the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). This system replaced the four-digital SIC system with a system of 6-digit codes. NAICS codes were jointly developed and adopted by Mexico, Canada and the United States.

Both SIC and NAICS codes are self-assigned, with the main difference being that SIC codes are no longer updated, and while they continue to be used, no new codes are generated. No revisions have been made to SIC codes since 1987 and the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual housed on the US Department of Labor OSHA site is dated from that year. All companies naturally have a SIC code, as there are over 1,000 total SIC codes possible. Companies that file public reports are often required to use SIC codes when reporting, as the SEC uses it as a basis for assigning review responsibility for company filing requirements.

The National Industrial Classification 2008 (NIC-2008) is an update of the NIC-2004. Further, the UN Statistical Commission, at its 38th session, recommended — countries either adopt national versions of the ISIC(International Standard Industrial Classification), Revision 4, or alter their national classifications. The SIC system was last revised in 1987 and was last used by the Census Bureau for the 1992 Economic Census. Major products related with Sic codes are Ceramic Sic, Ceramic, Alumina Ceramic, Ceramic Bead, Ceramic Covered. Real estates boards, trade associations and manufacturer associations and more would also be classified under this NAICS code.

SIC Code Lookup

In the 1930s, the government needed standardized and meaningful methods to measure, analyze and share data across its various agencies. SIC codes are four-digit numerical representations of major businesses and industries. SIC codes are assigned based on common characteristics shared in the products, services, production and delivery system of a business.

Understanding Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes

Each digit within a SIC code has a meaning; to read a SIC code, each set of digits should be independently evaluated to determine the overall meaning of the code. Businesses and the government use SIC codes in a number of ways, as discussed below. Service enterprises are businesses, which are engaged in the servicing industry.

It’s good practice to keep your information up-to-date so anyone looking to do business with your company has accurate information. If you need to update your information, you can make most changes using our online services. SIC code 6510 identifies real estate operators, while SIC code 6512 further refines the classification to nonresidential buildings while 6513 further refines the classification to operators of apartment sic code india buildings. With the increased degree of integration within the North American economy following the establishment of NAFTA, U.S. companies now have both a SIC code and a NAICS code. It further indicates that the products are not specifically classified under any other heading. A corporation or a limited liability partnership (LLP) must be registered on the MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) Portal in order to be formed.

The first two digits of the code show the primary industry group of a company. The third and fourth digits show the broader industry group and industry sector, respectively. The North American Classification System (NAICS) is a joint effort by the three NAFTA countries, now signed under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Companies are classified into industries with similar production processes in order to standardize data collection and comparison all across North American. Researchers can drill into the data using analytics and a NAICS code API to read and predict larger market trends across the entire region. This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in promoting the business interests of their members.

Nevertheless, this unique identification number is assigned to various types of businesses. The primary NAICS code assigned to a company depends on its largest revenue source in the past year. The revision came at the same time when the United States, Canada, and Mexico were negotiating a free trade agreement for North America, which went into effect in January 1994. The collaborative effort between the three partner countries led to the formulation of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The first NAICS version took effect in 1997 for both the United States and Canada, and one year later in Mexico.

Although the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code replaced the SIC code in 1997, some government departments and agencies continued to use the classification code to classify companies to specific industries. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a major government agency that regulates the markets. The SIC codes are listed in a company’s electronic data gathering, analysis, and retrieval system filings (called EDGAR) to indicate the company’s industry. It is commonly used in enterprise surveys, population census, national income estimation, labor statistics, and more. Organizations tasked with collecting statistical data in the early years employed a range of industrial classifications. The system groups the economy into 11 broader divisions, which are divided into 83 two-digit groups that are then categorized further into 416 three-digit industry groups, and a final broader category of 1,005 four-digit industry sectors.

A company’s primary SIC Code is determined by the code definition that generates the highest revenue for that company at a specific location in the past year. SIC codes appear on the overview screen for each limited company on the register. If after making your SIC choice you need verification, use the Find and update company information service to find a company who offer the same services as you. For example if you’re thinking of opening a coffee shop which sells records then a quick search for Hard Lines Limited will show that they have used SIC code Retail sale of beverages in specialised stores, and this may also be the right choice for you. It led to the formation of the Economic Classification Policy Committee in 1992. The committee was tasked with overseeing the process of revising the SIC coding system.

To put it simply, when you start your business you need to tell us what type of business you’re starting. Further, it is as defined in the first schedule of the Industrial Development and Regulation Act(1951), or in the establishment of plants and machinery to improve product quality. To begin their business, all of these micro, small, and medium businesses require a Udyog Aadhaar. Furthermore, based on the suggestions it received from various concerned agencies of the Government of India.

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